Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio welcomed new members of the Bishop’s Coat of Arms Club at a celebratory brunch in the Bishop’s residence, following the Coat of Arms special Mass of Thanksgiving. Founded forty years ago by William Debany and William Scalzo, the Coat of Arms Club was established out of concern for the less fortunate, with the Club’s proceeds used to further the mission of Catholic Charities. Each year, there is an increase in membership with current participants inviting others to join the select group. In honor of the Club’s Ruby Anniversary, guests were invited to join the Ruby Red Circle by making a supplemental gift. Proceeds from this year’s event were the highest in the Club’s history.
Photo caption: Contributors of the Red Ruby Circle joined Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio at his residence for the Coat of Arms Luncheon to mark the 40th Anniversary.
The Bishop’s Coat of Arms Club Celebrates 40 Years