The Trump Administration has just shortened the census by 30 days, meaning that our communities, particularly those most at risk of being undercounted, run the risk of losing out on the representation and funding they deserve. It is critical that New Yorkers complete their census before the new deadline of September 30 to avoid an incomplete count. Remind your family, friends, and neighbors to complete their census at or by calling 844-330-2020.
In addition, U.S. Census Bureau enumerators will begin going door-to-door to the homes of New Yorkers who have not yet completed the census. While census takers are well-trained to help you complete the census, you can avoid a knock at your door by simply going to and filling out the census in just a few minutes. Fill out the census now before the new September 30th deadline.
IMPORTANT! Census Deadline Shortened to September 30 and Census Door Knocking Begins